Firm News
How do Courts Determine What is in the “Best Interest of the Children”?

If you are preparing for divorce and there are children involved, be aware that first and foremost, the Court’s most important concern is the well-being of your children. Remaining objective and determining what is best for the children isn’t always easy to do. Combine that with the fact that you and your spouse will likely have different views abo ...
The Importance of Appointing the Right Executor

An executor acts as a legal representative and carries out the wishes as described in the will of someone who has passed away. Many times a person will automatically name a relative such as a spouse, sibling, or oldest child as executor of his or her estate. However, it is important to remember that an executor is a vital and sometimes complicated ...
Why is an Estate Planning Attorney Essential in Florida?

While no one really wants to think about dying, estate planning helps ensure that the survivors are prepared if something happens to one of the family’s bread winners. By being proactive with the proper planning and documentation, assets pass to those who they were intended for. Just as importantly, estate planning also ensures that one’s end of li ...
What is a Parenting Plan?

If you are going through a divorce, you will find that when children are involved, the development of a parenting plan is one of the most challenging aspects you will face. A parenting plan includes details specifying the time that children are entitled to spend with each parent. It also describes how the mother and father will “co-parent” and cont ...